Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Book club Discussions

I am not sure if I can explain just how awesome our Book Clubs are this year!!!!
I have always lead our "Book Talks".  
This year I let the kids take over.

They meet each day, in small groups with a book.
They read.
They discuss.
I just walk around the room and glow in amazement 
at their ability to actually discuss books...

Here is a video clip I caught just in time.  
Seriously....NOT a set up.  
I just heard them get started and 
ran to grab my I-PAD 
(Thanks again to the PTO for this awesome gift!!!)

And here are some pictures of the kiddos in Room 2 in action!
They are discussing books, writing about their friends' books and 
using their bookmarks with "Thinking Stems" to get the conversation started.

Very proud teacher.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Kate Klinginsmith
Kate likes to play on the monkey bars.  
A puppy is her favorite animal.
Kate loves to read chapter books.
She loves to eat pretzels as a snack.
Lady and the Tramp is Kate's favorite movie!

Let's hope that cute little cast is her last one!!!

Jacob Harelemert is up next!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Officer Schoef's Visit!!

Officer Schoeff came to our school today to talk about how we stay safe!
If you ask your child, 

"Who is the Number 1 person that can keep you safe?" and
"Who is the Number 1 person that is responsible for the choices you make?"

Your child should put up 2 thumbs, point them to their chest and say, in a very deep, serious voice,

Our very own Audrey Dinges was Officer Schoeff's helper today and 

How fun is that??  She was a bit shy - but adorable!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Canned Food Drive

Our student Council created a fun video to remind
the kids to bring in cans.  We are trying to fill our
hallways at CE with cans for those in need!

The YouTube link is: http://youtu.be/vAIdRIcs8Nc


Stuffed Animal Party!

Here are some pictures from our last Marble Party!
The kids voted for a stuffed animal party!
What Fun!

We have already voted for our next party!
We will have a TOY party next!!
What an awesome class!


Benjamin Alcantara
Benjamin's favorite animal is a horse.  
RowBlocks is his favorite video game.
Benjamin loves to read.
He loves to play outside at recess!