Wednesday, October 12, 2016

1st Quarter Report

We have officially wrapped up the 1st quarter of 4th grade!

Here are some of the great highlights of learning:
  • We worked through the first 3 units of math covering:  Geometric Figures, Numbers and organizing data, Multiplication and Division
  • We completed a Writing Unit on Realistic Fiction!  Those books have been graded and are coming home today!  Enjoy!!
  • We said "Good-bye" to traditional spelling to focus on learning the Morphology, parts, of words.  This will give us the tools we need to spell more accurately and learn the meanings of words at the same time.  
  • We worked through the first 2 units of reading covering:  previewing and predicting text, monitoring and clarifying our understanding, making connections and determining main idea and details.
  • We learned about the early settlers of Indiana and worked on our map skills in Social Studies.
  • We have just started an exploration of magnets in science.
Here are some pictures of our most recent science exploration
where we measured the strength of the attraction between 2 magnets.

Most Importantly.....we have become a TEAM.
We work together, we have a class motto that is, "Lead with Kindness".
We love reading our book, Wonder after recess and talking about kindness, acceptance, friendship and making good choices.
We have established great routines and 
make the most out of each and every day!

Your child's report card will be available to you via MYCCS on Friday.

Have a wonderful Fall Break (Friday, 10/14-Monday 10/17).
We will be back together again on Tuesday!