Tuesday, September 16, 2014

NWEA Testing

·      Next week, we will begin a new assessment program for each student at Carmel Elementary School.  It is called NWEA.  NWEA stands for Northwest Evaluation Association (www.nwea.org).  These tests will tell us our students strengths and areas needing instruction.  They are given on the computer 3 times per year.  

·        The actual assessments are called MAP (grades 3-5) and MPG (grades K-2)
o   MAP means “Measures of Academic Progress”
o   MAP is 3 tests, approximately 50 minutes each.
§  Reading, math, language usage
o   MPG (MAP for Primary Grades) is 2 tests, anywhere from 25-50 minutes depending on student
§  Reading and math
o   Tests are adaptive, meaning that they are individualized for each student.
o   Tests find instructional level, not mastery.  They will tell us specifically what kids are ready to learn.

This link will take you to a “Parent Toolkit” on the NWEA website.  The toolkit is a PDF file with information and FAQs.  https://www.nwea.org/resources/parent-toolkit/
There is a widget on the parent myCCS page.  It is in the upper left hand corner and provides links to practice tests that parents and kids can take, as well as some games that are focused on using the mouse. 

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